
Everything we do depends on the safety of our operations, our workforce and the communities around us. We strive to create and maintain a safe operating culture, putting safety front and center of everything we do.

Preventing incidents through process safety

Major accidents or spills are infrequent, but can result in serious harm to people and the environment.

Process safety is the application of good design and engineering principles, as well as robust operating and maintenance practices, to avoid accidents.

A proactive approach

We undertake process safety reviews to identify hazards, assess risks and define risk reduction measures to prevent accidents from happening. We focus on managing the highest priority risks associated with our operations, targeting our efforts at keeping our services safely.

A Learning Organization

We analyse performance data and assurance insights to help us understand how well our systems are working, map early trends, and ultimately get a better understanding of our key safety risks.

Our Performance

We track the number of process safety events occurring across our upstream facilities and downstream plants. This includes unplanned or uncontrolled releases of materials causing harm to people or the environment, damage to equipment or exceeding threshold quantities.

Security Management

Albuainain monitors for, and aims to guard against, hostile actions that could cause harm to our people or disrupt our operations, including physical and digital threats and vulnerabilities.

Crisis Management

Crisis and continuity management planning helps us keep our people safe, respond effectively to emergencies and avoid potentially severe disruptions in our operations. In addition to carrying out routine monitoring and an annual risk assessment process, our businesses are expected to carry out exercises at both a local and regional level to test their preparedness to respond.

Health and Personal Safety

We strive to create and maintain safe and healthy working environments.

We are committed to keeping people safe, whether they are working on our sites or living in communities near our operations.

Personal Safety

Each member of the workforce has an obligation and the authority to stop unsafe work. We provide our operations personnel with training on identifying hazards and addressing risks associated with tasks. We have ‘golden rules’ aligned to our operating management system that guide our workers on staying safe in situations with the potential to cause most harm. Our golden rules for safety focus on areas such as working at flammable material,height, lifting operations and driving safety. Although the rate of serious personal safety incidents has declined since Albuainain originally introduced the rules in 2008, we have updated them to signal their continued importance in these high-risk areas.

Transportation safety

We work to safely transport our people and equipment to our sites, and fuel to our customers

Albuainain is a global business with operations in remote locations so safe transportation of our people and products is an important focus area for us.

Driving safety

Driving safety is a priority because vehicle-related incidents remain one of the key risks facing our industry. In 2015 alone, Albuainain employees and contractors drove nearly 100 million kilometers, which is the equivalent of 2500 journeys around the world. Transporting fuel from refineries to service stations, and other downstream activities, account for most of these kilometers.


Albuainain works to avoid, minimize and mitigate environmental impacts wherever we do business. We strategically review key environmental issues for our business such as greenhouse gas emissions, air quality, energy efficiency, water use and sensitive areas.